Camille Birch
Camille is Apex’s club manager and coach. She discovered vaulting in 2008 and went on to win multiple regional and national championship titles in individual, pairs, and team vaulting before retiring from competition in 2014 (and then returning in 2022, since she couldn’t seem to stay away from the competition ring). She has been coaching vaulting since 2012.
Nichole Walters
Nichole is Apex’s horse trainer and coach, as well as the owner and manager of Cadbury Farm. Nichole brings decades of experience as a dressage trainer to the club, training the horses to go with lightness and ease and teaching the vaulters to move in complete harmony with their equine partners. She has been involved in the vaulting community since 2013.
Sophia Walters
Sophia is the beginner year-round coach. Growing up, Sophia had a passion for riding and at the age of 8, she found vaulting. She has competed in individual, pair, and team events and is currently competing on the internation stage.
Assistant Coaches
We are supported by volunteer lungers (horse handlers), who give their time to help classes run smoothly and efficiently!
We are currently looking to hire an assistant coach — if you have prior experience with vaulting and enjoy working with kids, please get in touch with us at [email protected]!